Logo Color Schemes
Analogous Color Schemes
This Logo uses the analogous colors of green, yellow, and yellowish green. I think this company uses these colors due to it being a gas company and wanting to make people think they are really environmentally friendly with these specific colors.
This logo uses red, orange, and reddish orange. These colors make the logo stand out compared to other colors as they are loud.
Complementary color schemes
This logo uses Blue and Orange. This scheme is used by many sports teams for a couple reasons it makes their uniforms easier with just two colors and the Fans can pick one of the colors.
This logo uses the colors red and green. These colors are also the colors a chili pepper making it fairly easy to assume why these colors were chosen.
Warm Colors
The colors used here are red and yellow. These are colors used in many restaurants due to their appeal and warmth.
The LEGO logo uses the colors red and yellow. They are simple colors that encourage play and are energetic.
Cool colors
The Xbox logo uses green. This color encourages you to relax and just chill out like video games encourage you to sit back and have fun.
The Dasani logo is blue. This encourages refreshment and water gives you just that.
The logo for Twitter is a plain light blue. They likely chose this because blue is an appealing color and calm.
The Animal Planet logo is three different shades of green. The colors reflect that of nature, many think of green when thinking of nature, making this a fantastic choice.
Triad Color
The Superman logo utilizes the triad colors of Red, Blue, and Yellow. They were likely chosen due to them being colors people like and they are brighter than that of a villain's colors.
The logo for Burger King is Red, Blue and yellow. These were chosen probably due to red being appetizing, yellow looking like a burger bun and blue just looks great with it.
This Logo uses the analogous colors of green, yellow, and yellowish green. I think this company uses these colors due to it being a gas company and wanting to make people think they are really environmentally friendly with these specific colors.
This logo uses red, orange, and reddish orange. These colors make the logo stand out compared to other colors as they are loud.
Complementary color schemes
This logo uses Blue and Orange. This scheme is used by many sports teams for a couple reasons it makes their uniforms easier with just two colors and the Fans can pick one of the colors.
This logo uses the colors red and green. These colors are also the colors a chili pepper making it fairly easy to assume why these colors were chosen.
Warm Colors
The colors used here are red and yellow. These are colors used in many restaurants due to their appeal and warmth.
The LEGO logo uses the colors red and yellow. They are simple colors that encourage play and are energetic.
Cool colors
The Xbox logo uses green. This color encourages you to relax and just chill out like video games encourage you to sit back and have fun.
The Dasani logo is blue. This encourages refreshment and water gives you just that.
The logo for Twitter is a plain light blue. They likely chose this because blue is an appealing color and calm.
The Animal Planet logo is three different shades of green. The colors reflect that of nature, many think of green when thinking of nature, making this a fantastic choice.
Triad Color
The Superman logo utilizes the triad colors of Red, Blue, and Yellow. They were likely chosen due to them being colors people like and they are brighter than that of a villain's colors.
The logo for Burger King is Red, Blue and yellow. These were chosen probably due to red being appetizing, yellow looking like a burger bun and blue just looks great with it.
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