
Showing posts from March, 2019

vector illustrator portrait

Preproduction When I was told that I needed to find a glorious, high-quality picture to use for my vector project I knew exactly what to do. I have this picture from 2017 that I took with my head out of a car window on the highway and it looks absolutely majestic so it was an easy choice. So before I started the project I had to do this thing in photoshop to show the different shades of color on my face in the picture. In Illustrator, I then made two artbords, one with a lower opacity version of the and the other had the full opacity. Production When I started the project I immediately ran into problem, as I picked an extremely complex photo. The face was not one shade anywhere, it was all just a ton of different shades. That made it much more complicated and trickier than anticipated. It got to a point where I genuinely considered choosing a new photo but I persevered. Each part of my project was split up into separate parts such as mouth, eyes, eyebrows, etc. I did learn that