
Showing posts from April, 2019

Movie Trailer

Pre-production and development So when Mr. Cooper told us that our next project would be to recreate a movie trailer I was very excited.  But then he told us that our groups were assigned and that lessened my excitement, I was fine with working with Anna but Blake was the one I was worried about because every time I'd worked with him in the past he was super lazy. When we decided our project would be the Breakfast Club (mostly due to the cast size and the location) we started the casting process along with the storyboard. Blake was fine in the beginning, he volunteered to be Bender and was  the cinematographer, but he also wanted to do part of the storyboard and never ended up bringing it. The casting actually went really smoothly and we began to shoot. Production The production was rocky at the start, the scheduling was tricky due to Crew and Emma's theater rehearsals and on top of that, Blake didn't show up for shooting so we had to recast bender in less than 24 ho...