Short Film- REDACTED

The Process


Basically for our short film we used Malik's script. It was proposed as a drama-thriller about two kids protecting a kid from the evil organization called the ESO. The process was very long and pretty boring. Malik spent quite a bit on the script trying to get it just right, but in doing that, it cut into our production week quite a but. The casting process was crazy, we had actors dropping out left and right, we finally got the cast of me, Connor, and Ryan. We had to cut out entire characters too, so it was a bit rough.


We only had one night to shoot. It was pretty rushed in all honesty. We had to abandon most of the script because it took way too long. So we had to improvise and I'd say it went fine, not as good as it could have been but it was fine. It took a while though because we were goofing around a little bit and it was too dark in areas we wanted to shoot, so we used iPhone flashlights. I was an actor for this so I had to learn the other side of it because usually I'm behind the camera. 

Post Production

The post production process went rather smoothly. Alex and Alex edited pretty quickly. The issue we had was the length, it was only three minutes long. It turned out quite a few of the other groups had the same issue so it ended up fine.

Overall reflection

The project was pretty stressful and another example of why you need to get the right cast.  Next time I would try to get the cast together beforehand, and probably get someone in my group with more connections socially. I would enjoy being an actor again though, that was a lot of fun. Overall it was an ok project, just stressful.


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